Auto rezerves daļas: 65123134 | Autoserviss: 29394604, 65122765 | Mini ekskavatora pakalpojumi: 29180868 | Autoevakuatora pakalpojumi: 29180868|
  • 010797_58_101460
  • 010800_58_101475
  • 010797_58_101460
  • 010801_58_101480


  • Briggs&Stratton 675 SeriesTM engine
  • fixed drive axle perfectly keeps the direction even on slopes
  • side screen for laying of grass into rows
  • working width of 58,5 cm/4 blades
  • jaw brake of the cutting disc
  • bronze worm gear in the gearbox
  • innovated Optibelt kevlar V-belt
  • reinforced T-Bar bracing of the blades

Preces apraksts

The DS-521B Agatha drum mower is one of the new line-up of the VARI drum mowers